Hiii!! Recently I made a series of posts using the schedule feature then went back to normal postin today.. Besides my recent post 9 hours ago with 4 pictures all other posts are now at least 1 day old and I still can not post to use my other 4 daily slots!! I tried the next 4 pics postin normally, schedulein them a few hours in the future, tried it on Edge and on Firefox.. I also tried postin just 2 or 3 pics but nope, no lucks at all still get a lil red box that says I hit my limit of 8 when I only used 4!! Before my earlier post 9 hours ago with 4 images, the post before that was around 27 ish hours ago.. Puttin in a bug report for ya in case this isn't me just makin an ID10T error hahaha!! TY TY TY for your time!!!