
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.




  • Free users can now edit their posts 45 days after their creation.
  • Primfeed Pro users (and EasyBloggers stores with an active subscription) can now edit their posts 90 days after their creation.
New features
  • Discovery now has an infinite scroll.
  • Public Gallery now has an infinite scroll.
New features
  • You can block a profile. It removes all interactions possible between you two.
  • The maximum follow per account has been increased to 300 per 24 hours.




New features
  • Show a message when your Notifications are loading.
  • Links to the Terms of Service, Documentation, Roadmap and Release note have been added in Primfeed.
  • A tiny window has been added when clicking on Release note, to see what's new on Primfeed.
  • A new private section has been added to your profile: Liked posts.
  • A new tag shows when the viewing user is following you. "Follows you".
  • Adding more maturity rating settings: [Moderate, Adult, Adult+], [Adult, Adult+], [Adult+]
  • The owner of a post can now delete comments from their posts.
  • Enable links in the About section of your profile.
  • The password red rules are now hidden until you start entering something in the password field.
  • When going on a profile, you will now be at the top of the page.
  • Maximum 10 avatars will now show on the grouped notifications.
  • Discovery doesn't show posts that quote a post, without content, anymore.
  • The colors of the products' selector in the EasyBloggers products selection when creating Posts have been fixed.
  • The repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a repost of a post has been fixed. Sorry! ❤️
  • Fixed the bug where Likes can be out of sync between pages.
  • Reverse list of followers and following in the profile. Newest is at top.
  • Increased the timeout for uploads, from 30s to 120s. This should solve many errors when uploading your pictures.
  • The comments from banned accounts are now correctly removed.



What's Changed
  • The Feed, Discovery and the Public Gallery won't refresh itself when you come back on the tab anymore.
  • On Firefox, the logo is now centered on the login screen
  • On Firefox, the arrows when entering the OTP code to login has been hidden.
  • Your Bluesky link is now correctly showing in the input when editing your profile.
  • You are now able to right click, middle mouse click to open a notification link into another tab.