
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Hey everyone, today's update features many quality-of-life improvements for everyone, beginning with editing your comments! Yes, finally. 🥰
On top of that:
  • The new line issues should be fixed when creating/editing a post.
  • You can now right click on the date of a comment to copy the link or open it in a new tab.
  • The comments should properly show when viewing an image on mobile.
  • When viewing an image, clicking the Back button of your browser will close the image instead of redirecting you somewhere else.
  • On mobile, info on the picture in the Public Gallery will always be shown.
  • The go back button should now redirect you correctly.
As a last feature, the filters on the Public Gallery now persist on your device and in the URLs, which means you can save multiple Bookmarks depending on your mood. (e.g.: Start using the filters and save a bookmark with commercial filters, from everyone or a bookmark for only the residents you follow, without the commercial content.)
Thank you. As a reminder, Primfeed will host its first Community Meeting on November 3, 2024, at 1:00 PM SLT. The idea is for me to discuss past and future updates and talk with you if you want to discuss any subjects. ❤️
  • The Show more button is back!
  • Duplicates posts when you like something is fixed
  • Mobile: The New Post button is displayed correctly.
  • Performance: All feeds are now faster to load.
  • The maximum contents you can browse has been increased.
  • Home: The like is properly spread across the multiple pictures of the Post, and the like or unlike is staying properly
  • Texts from Posts can be translated from third party extension.
  • Underline is now available to all premium members.
  • Events: The bug "Date must be in the future" has been fixed.
  • The text shouldn't be blurry anymore when creating a post.
  • Posting a large text containing multiple SLURL is working properly now.
  • The button to create a post on mobile is now correctly above the bottom navigation bar.
  • The button to create a post on mobile is now hidden when viewing a post (To prevent collision with sending a comment)
  • Long text containing a long SLURL isn't breaking the layout anymore.
  • When clicking on the home button on mobile, the results are now reloading properly
Primfeed just received its most significant update yet. Mentions, a new navigation, likes from the Public Gallery... There is a lot to cover. Let's see together what's new 👇
infography - October update x4096
I know you've been waiting for a long time, but it's here. Mentions of users and stores have been added to Primfeed. You can mention someone in a post, comment or in your profile description. They will receive a notification only when mentioned in a post or comment.
New navigation
One of Primfeed's promises was to replace Flickr, the social media focused on media sharing you've been used to for years. While I wanted Primfeed to be a bit of the best of everything, you made it clear that you wanted Primfeed to be more focused on media sharing, and the new navigation will help with that.
The Public Gallery is now Primfeed's default page, the Home. The old Home page and Discovery have been moved to a new page, Feeds, which contains the usual "Following" and "Discovery" feeds, with filters for pictures and text, text only, or pictures only.
Likes from the Public Gallery
A few months ago, I asked you what your ideal Public Gallery would be. One of the main pains was that you could only like a picture directly from the Public Gallery view after having to click on it first. 
Starting today, if you hover your mouse above a picture from the Public Gallery, the artist's name, the post's first characters, and the like button will appear. This will allow you to quickly like a picture without opening it first, which is handy!
New editor, with bold and italic
Primfeed uses a new editor, and premium members can now format their text. Start writing your post and select the text you want to make bold or italicized. 
New post from anywhere on Primfeed
Previously, you could only create a post from your Home feed. This is no longer the case, and you can now create a Post from anywhere on Primfeed using the new button in the sidebar.
Schedule posts
This was one of the top requested features. Premium members can now schedule posts. Write your post, choose your pictures, select a date and you're ready to go.
Slight redesign, more modern
Primfeed has a good design but lacks the modern feeling I intended it to have. Margins, text sizes, and fonts have been refined and will continue to be refined.
Residents spend a lot of their time at events, whether group meetings, live music shows, or gatherings. However, they didn't have a dedicated place on Primfeed, which was a bummer.
The new Events page is live for everyone. Any premium members can create a new listing with its flyer to promote their event.
Terms of Service updates focused on commercial events
While a lot of commercial content was allowed in the Public Gallery, commercial events needed to be included. It was a challenge to find a rule that could be fair to them while not spamming the Public Gallery with the same ads over and over.
Commercial events can now publish their flyer to promote their event once a week in the Public Gallery, and they can publish vendor ads of products sold at their event.
Lastly, the Public Gallery now includes a lot more results.
This is the most significant update Primfeed has received yet, and I hope the wait was worth it. I've been using this version internally for a few days now, and it feels so much better than what we had until now, and I'm excited to see your first reactions.
As always, please let me know what you think. Thank you for being part of Primfeed's journey. ❤️
Bug fixes
  • Fixed the Likes and Bookmarks Random Order and duplicate issues
  • Search for stores with special characters is now fixed
Bug fix
  • Personal URL for stores wasn't correctly shown on the profile.
  • The system will use your latest avatar name when creating an account.
  • Fixing a bug with a reposting on the home page, which would sometimes result in different posts being shown.
  • Fixing the need to go back twice when visiting a profile to get to the original URL.




Coming back from holidays, Primfeed got a few bug fixes and changes regarding the Terms of Service.
  • Add "Incorrect commercial tag" reason to the report menu.
  • The Updates menu has been renamed to News
  • Choosing text-only will now remain when you go back on the page.
  • Adding two new Mastodon instances
  • New pages have been added to the documentation: Why has my content been moderated? and Moderation Team
  • Fixed a bug where reposts might have messed up with the feed chronology.
  • Fixed a bug when a resident will show instead of a store when both accounts have the same name.
Terms of Service changes
These changes aim to allow more content for stores to promote their businesses and protect users and their content.
Public Gallery
  • If you are posting a vendor ad for a product you're selling, tag your post as vendor ad.
  • If you are only posting a picture that showcases a product being sold, but you're not the creator of the product being sold, do not tag your post as a vendor ad.
  • In addition to vendor ads, stores can post posters to promote store sales, giveaways, bloggers search and hunts.
  • For non vendor ads, AI altered or generated content are not considered as Second Life content, thus not allowed in the Public Gallery. See more details under the dedicated section altered or generated content.
  • Taking and using pictures from a user without the end user's consent could result in an account termination.
  • Real Life content under the Adult and Adult+ ratings is strictly forbidden.
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