Whyt is it impossible to modify post text after 24 hours?
Sherlyndrea Resident
I don't understand how this platform, which is very centered around blogging isn't allowing you to change your post message? This is so important in blogging, and we often have to make modifications as the item goes from an event to store, or when there is a wrong store link, or we add a new item or info... I really don't understand how even with a pro account, we only have 24 hours to make changes?
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Luke Rowley
The limit has been raised to 45 days for free users, and 90 days for Pro users. Thank you! :) The limitation might evolve again later
JoannaVou Resident
I've been on the internet since 1999 and I have never come across any social media site where editing a post has a time limit! it isn't a premium privilege either on any social media site I have ever joined. Editing posts should be allowed for all of us for an unlimited time and for free like it is everywhere else. There are tons of other ways primfeed can cover costs like for example sponsored ads.
AquaTanYa Resident
Yes, there are things that need to change. The store's address has changed. I have an old link. I'm a blogger, I have to send a person to the correct address, but I can't change this address.
I accidentally wrote the wrong person in the post. And again I can't do anything. And there are many such mistakes. There should be an opportunity to correct the post!
HappyBits Onyx
As already mentioned if there is an indication that the post has been edited, I think that is perfectly fine and fair. It would be best if you could still see what was edited to prevent manipulation. But a little information that it would be edited is enough in my opinion. But ultimately it depends on what Luke decides to do. I think he's doing a great job and I'm grateful for this platform
Boston Blaisdale
I agree with Sherlyndrea and would like to vote for this as a feature request please. As a store owner, I usually only post the event link while it's active and then change to Mainstore & MP links once the event is finished. I mainly do this to avoid customer confusion with prices and location. Thanks
Luke Rowley
under review
This is probably a temporary limit, and is currently intended to prevent any extra moderation.
Didiyuki Resident
I agree with Sherlyndrea. Errors happen very often and it would be useful to be able to edit the post. Perhaps highlighting that it has been modified and giving the possibility to go and check all the changes made, therefore without completely deleting the original post.
Sherlyndrea Resident
Didiyuki Resident I makes no sense, just today I noticed a mistake in copy-paste... I don't want to redo the post :( but it looks dumb like this.. .
Fullperm Alpha
It is intended to prevent manipulation attempts. Imagine you post something funny and get a lot of likes for it, then later change the content to something inappropriate or harmful, still retaining the original likes. I support maintaining the current system to avoid this issue.
Sherlyndrea Resident
Fullperm Alpha But you can do this on every other platform though... and you could add a "edited" on it too... It's just so important to be flexible in our titles and descriptions... I don't see this as being a problem anywhere else...
seger Mode
Fullperm Alpha As Sherlyn mentioned, it could show "edited" and show the previous messages. Store that do giveaway usually need to edit after 2 days or so.
Fullperm Alpha
seger Mode Good point yes - but it is up to Luke
gigimonetx Resident
Fullperm Alpha this is a large reach IMO. Our posts are not montetized nor do we have the pressures of RL social media and algorithms as to why most spam pages do these tactic in the real world. Lets keep in mind that this platform is for a very niched audience. Second Lifers, that typically post and leave, its mostly all vanity. Editing shouldnt be such an issue. Restrictions can be made so that image doesnt change and only the text does with a label that it has been edited. Perhaps maybe there is opportunity to attach a link to the edited label that would show the previous post for full transparency, but ofc no clue the level of back end that would involve this and if its suited for Lukes platform but could satiate the very small audience that may feel this way.