Edit Posts?
eudois Resident
Hi :) i want to start by saying i am loving primfeed and im very bad at social media so maybe im missing something, In the FAQ It says i can edit posts up to 45 days, but my posts don't have the edit post option, even the most recent ones. so if i have an item at event and want to change the LM on the description after the event is over, how do i do that without leaving a comment on my own post? Thank you :)
Update... i have discovered that i can edit my posts but only on the profile posts... if i go to gallery and click the dots there is no edit post option and if i got there via any other link also no edit post option. but if i scroll down on my feed and find it then i can edit it.
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Luke Rowley
This has been changed! Free users are limited to 90 days while Pro users don't have any limit. Thank you!
Luke Rowley
under review