[Gallery] Unable to open gallery photos in another tab
Aiyumei Resident
Users are not able to open photos in new tab when browsing the Gallery section. While there's option to open profiles in new tabs, the should also be possible for photos.
Many users tend to open pages/files/images in different tabs when browsing and not having this ability has negative impact on the overall user experience.
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Luke Rowley
This has been fixed, thank you!
ladiablesse100bc Resident
As long as that new tab ALSO disallows image save or share functions, I can support this idea. (I know that people can simply gyazo any displayed image.)
Sparklybootie Resident
Specifically, I should add, to be able to open the image in a new tab by clicking the middle mouse button. That is how almost links work.
Sysperia Poppy
i right click and open them?
Mo Elara
This works for me, but without the option to interact (like, comment), and sadly with the option to download the image. This should be avoided.
What you can however do is to click on image, right click the creator name to save/view for later. This works well for me.
Luke Rowley
under review