"All Posts" vs "Text Only": only the latter displays something
Kika Yongho
The "All Posts" section doesn't work anymore for me anymore: it starts "Loading.." then it is empty: https://i.gyazo.com/0e93acd10e6e669330498b9b239090a1.png
To see something, I have to click on "Text Only" (where I see text posts + reposts!, which aren't really text only...): https://i.gyazo.com/3982fe0a332952a9963137524017a9bc.png
I tried with different browsers but the problem persists.
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Luke Rowley
Feel free to open a bug report again if it's still an issue!
Luke Rowley
under review
Thank you for your report! On what page do you have this issue? Discovery, Home?