URGENT!! Protect your girls!
under review
moon Elton
Hi, great work so far, but there is something super important that I feel you need to do before anything else, and that is protecting the users of your site. Since being on here, every day I log in to a number of IMs in world, these range from genuine compliments, to wanting to FUCK ME IN THE ASS. I have peacefully posted my artwork on Flickr for a long time, and yes I got numerous dirty DMs, but I was not harassed in world about it. I think you are doing a fab job so far and clearly working hard with all your updates, but this to me and many others is important. Can you please please please, allow us to adjust/change our display name on here so that we can live in peace in SL.
Log In
Mo Elara
I cannot believe that this request is still listed...
SLDiego Resident
Letting us hide the SL user name here would fix this problem.
Those that do want/like others to know what their SL name could just not use this feature.
Rhiannon Tamerlane
Something that might be possible (I don't know the details of the interface between PrimFeed and SecondLife) - but cross-platform blocking? i.e., if you block someone in-world, they'll be blocked here on PrimFeed and vice-versa?
Jennifer Boyle
Rhiannon Tamerlane And if too many people block them, they get banned.
Rhiannon Tamerlane
Jennifer Boyle - works for me. :)
Jolie Serendipity
This is why the ability to block is so important, and why I will not actively use Primfeed without an easy to manage blocking feature.
Rhiannon Tamerlane
Jolie Serendipity - Hi, Jolie - not a member of the PrimFeed staff, but in case you hadn't seen it yet, when you look at someone's profile, next to the yellow "Follow" / grey "Following" button, there's an ellipsis (...), and the option to block someone is there.
If you mean more like being able to right-click on someone's name in the Notifications and block them from there as well when they make a crude or offensive comment, then yes, I agree that would be a VERY good idea.
hughtoussaint Resident
First of all, as a man, I would like to personally apologize to Ms. Elton on behalf of my gender. In the 14 plus years here in SL, I have repeatedly heard stories about aggressive males, impolite, rude, and outright obscene. Obviously, some people skipped the class Social Etiquette 101.
In RL, there are consequences for bad behavior. As such, these jackasses would never dare do what they do in SL. How to bring those RL consequences into SL?
First of all, and yes, I recognize this involves time and effort, the individual must be reported to Linden Labs. But the individual needs to be told they're being reported, ideally by more than one person. The harasser is going to expect the victim to protest, but if others chime in, he will hopefully get the point his behavior is unacceptable.
True story
Two years ago, in The Feed, I ran across an entry by a woman complaining about a man gaining access to her home uninvited and doing sexual things. She had posted pics of the guy in The Feed and on her Discord with a complete description of his activities, shaming him for it, and saying she reported him to Linden Labs. I didn't think the man would see this, so I IMd him with links to The Feed and Discord. I never got a reply but a month later, I looked at his profile and discovered he had cleaned everything out; it was a blank profile. I think he got the message.
I've convinced it is possible to shame somebody for their bad behavior. The light of day is usually the best remedy. Any one of you facing harassment could call upon a friend or friends (plural) to assist in a campaign of consequences. Heck, I'd be happy to help as I did above.
I know that in-world we can block, mute, or derez people which seems like an immediate and easy way of dealing with a problem. However, that doesn't correct the root problem; the harasser will go on to harass others. Bad behavior needs to be called out.
I come to SL to have fun. I hope everyone with whom I interact also has fun as their fun is important to me. We're all in this together. Let's make it a good one! :-)
ladiablesse100bc Resident
I don't mind that my system name is here for all to see.
If someone decides to fixate on my inworld presence because they found it here, I have inworld tools to deal with them (I can block them, derender them, kick them off my land, even AR them if the offense is egregious enough).
If someone's the type of person to 'stalk' people based on social media, then hiding your system name here isn't really going to slow them down all that much. There's always clues.
I WOULD like Primfeed to have some method of disciplining abusers of the service, which should include inworld stalking. The person being stalked should have to bring proof, perhaps screenshots or logs, the same as if they were filing a harassment report with SL, though.
Evangeline Ling
My thoughts on this are NO to being anonymous. While i find the rando stalkers to be annoying there are already in world tools to deal with them i suggest to users to learn how to use their block button. The second Primfeed becomes anonymous it enters the fray as being as useless as Flickr is. My understanding of this platform is it is another way for residents to connect socially. Its not just a photo feed. Also if someone decides to troll me using Primfeed I know exactly what POS in world is doing it.
Thank you
Evangeline Ling
Bunny Elf
Evangeline Ling the problem here is that PF can't prevent people from anonymizing themselves by using an alt that literally takes 5 minutes to create.
Divinely Enamour
I’d like to leave a reminder of some tools available to us.
You can make your name unsearchable on SL, something you set in preferences on any viewer and it should apply across the board. They can still access your profile though through other methods such as someone linking them in-world, they go through your partner’s profile, or they open your profile clicking you in-world. This helps the flow of people finding you from Primfeed to SL.
Primfeed also has an option to not make your profile searchable. Ofc, they are likely finding you from photos you post on public, but if you are a more private person, they won’t be able to find you from SL to Primfeed directly.
You can also make it where only friends can message you on SL, so you’d need to accept their friend request or add them yourself before their messages reach you. So even if they do find you, it won’t go through unless you accept their friend request first. This sounds like the best safeguard in your particular case. Ofc, you will lose out on being messaged by other random strangers or an acquaintance of a friend or a working relationship that hasn’t added you, but it’s a strong, bold safeguard.
Now as for a new suggestion, what if Primfeed allowed a user’s display name to be private UNTIL you follow a person? If you follow them, your username becomes visible. Seems kind of like a fair trade off considering you are subscribing to see their content, that they should know who you are.
But I would try to stop disconnecting SL from Primfeed. It is THE secondlife social media. You might as well pretend Primfeed can be directly viewed from your in-world profile. Thinking of it like this might help digest this accountability of posting. The photos you post are of that avatar. If you want to be private on Primfeed, the same privacy should be sought on SL, like synonymous.
That is my opinion on the matter.
moon Elton
Divinely Enamour
thats a cute idea tbh, i'll mention it
ladiablesse100bc Resident
Divinely Enamour Something else that might be implemented, is a 'mojo' system linked to an account's SL longevity (can Primfeed see rezdates?) as well as their content rating.
Off the cuff alts will show up here the same way they do inworld... as cookie-cutter stock avatars with a just-minted profile. As an alt (yes I am someone's alt! what a concept) I know there's not always love for people going off main. But ... and here's the kicker ... most people who run their alts inworld put as much work and time and Lindens into them as they do the main. There's an investment made.
The throwaway accounts - not so much.
So if Primfeed can leverage the rez-dates and/or the sim ratings, it's a little more work and time for people to just create alts to hassle others. Maybe even put in an 'age cap' much like some sims - if your account on SL is less than X days old, you can't use it to create a Primfeed account. If your account is rated General or Moderate inworld, then that's a hard limit on what you can see on Primfeed. Make the creeps work a little bit to flesh out their alts, and now it's a lot more investment and more to lose if they get banned. Makes people behave a little more... (well all but that one guy pestering SKING and Sibilla's groups, but he's obsessed, also an outlier.)
Veronicca Viper
Alright I am a little late to the discussion here but I wanted to add my two cents .. though to be honest it will probably be more like 25cents lol.
First let me state clearly - I do not wish to see anonymity added. I LOVE the connection, and while I have not connected with anyone in world due to primfeed, I feel way more connected than I ever did using flickr.
2nd - As others have stated, harassment is gonna happen in SL. I have not had one person contact me "due to primfeed" - however I have had people message me in when I sim hop, shopping, and in -hidden- groups. It happens.... Anonymity is not protection. However I think it will open a doorway for more people to post/reply or behave in a manner they wouldn't with their identity being shown to all. If you can be anonymous, so can the douche canoes.
I am a grown adult woman, I do run in the circles more guided by the sexual side of SL, Now perhaps I am ugly (lol) or unappealing to the creeps of SL but honestly, I do not get that many inappropriate IMs in SL, I have had a share - it happens, but its also gonna happen whether I am being sexy, or just shopping, whether i post naked pics (which I haven't yet and probably wont) or just pretty sunsets. Creeps are gonna be creeps. Does that make it ok? no but it is easier to block them, than to have Primfeed full of anonymous artists. If I like your art, I wanna know who you are.
((Side note- I do not think someone messaging me to tell me how "hot / beautiful I am or that they like my work, to be a harassing or inappropriate message)) <--???
with that beings said...Soapbox time: (lol)
I do not understand the concept of posting "art/pics" and then not wanting people to know who you are... I do not get it at all. Do you just want a bunch of people boosting your ego and hearting your stuff? Does that make you feel good? I really do not understand this idea at all.
If i see an artist stuff that I like, I try to comment, I WANT to know them so I can see more. If I went to an art gallery IRL and everything was by an Anonymous artist, I would be like , "well that was nice but what was the point?" "remember that beautiful capture by.... oh crap well I dunno who took it" - - Seems silly to me
Also remember that Primfeed is not only pictures, This is a social outlet for SL accounts...It's already somewhat anonymous from your RL anyway ...People can make posts, and share their thoughts, etc. which if being SL anonymous is allowed, I feel like is gonna ensure a whole new slew of problems (think SL secrets)
So while people on here are stating their claims that if they can't be anonymous they will stop using it.. I say: "Bye! Take care, Flickr will take you back I am sure!" . Perhaps that sounds harsh, but its your preference not to use it, Do not try to threaten the creator with your "business".
If I like your art, or posts, then I want to KNOW you, maybe I want to make contact with you. Maybe I think we could be lifelong friends....
- and I think that may have been the Primfeed teams original intentions or ideals - I love it! And now here is my own threat - to anonymous users... I will not follow, like, comment, or share anyone who is "anonymous". and if this suggestion is implemented or becomes a feature then I would like to suggest another feature - A filter that allows a user to NOT see pics/posts by anonymous users.
~picks up her soapbox, and opens her wallet to toss in her 2 cents and pulls out a 5 dollar bill instead
(lol)Aurelyo Lygon
Veronicca Viper Exactly! I agree on every single word
Bunny Elf
Veronicca Viper
You say: "And now here is my own threat - to anonymous users... I will not follow, like, comment, or share anyone who is "anonymous"."
But that's the point right?
If we won't have an "official" anonymous feature, people will just make an alt to stay anonymous, and eventually you'll end up following, like, comment or share content of someone you wouldn't like if you knew they were hiding.
Veronicca Viper
Bunny Elf
That makes absolutely no sense. If they have to create an alt just to share content they otherwise would not share on their main, they still are sharing it under the alt name and in turn still somewhat accountable for what they post and say. At least one of their accounts will be. I personally do not follow just -any-body. I follow who's posts catch my eye or something.
HAHA Tell me what is the point of sharing art anonymously? on a social connection site?
Primfeed has no control over who messages you in world, if a creeper randomly messages you when they see you shopping, or sim hopping and says "Hey I contacted you because I think your hot, sexy, I like your profile." - how do you handle it? You block them right?
How is this any different? .. just because they say "I contacted you because I saw what you posted on primfeed, and I liked it"
You aren't shopping or walking around the grid anonymously, I do not understand why you think Primfeed should allow you to post things anonymously. Or why you think Primfeed should be accountable for other people who contact you in world, because YOU decided to post something that got the creeper's attention.
Second Life doesn't allow your avatar to walk around without a name, why do you think Primfeed should? If someone is contacting you in world with something completely outrageous and inappropriate that person should be reported to linden labs anyway.
If you do not wish to be contacted, then perhaps you shouldn't join or share things a site where the main purpose was to connect the users of a virtual social outlet with one another to comment, like, and COMMUNICATE with one another. Grab an old school diary, print your pics out tape them in there and call it a day. Have a wonderful one! ♥
Bunny Elf
Veronicca Viper
Uhm, I'll try to clarify some of the doubts you expressed.
It takes about 5 minutes to create an empty SL account and register it to PF.
The point of sharing anonymously is to share ideas and get people feedback while not being interested in advertising oneself as a person.
(history of art is full of artists that published under a fake name and not always to avoid prosecution/retaliation)
If someone contacted me asking me "Hey I contacted you because I think your hot, sexy, I like your profile." that would actually be not bad. :D
Unfortunately in my experiences creeps are rarely that polite.
Regardless, the "you get creeps anyway" is not a good argument to make me wish I could not deal with more of them.
This is the part a lot of people in this thread are not getting. PF allow you to post anonymously. You just need to make an alt. And if that is the what this thing will boil down to, you can bet I'll be making one to post my stuff.
The reason I'm wishing PF enables the feature "officially" is so that at least we would all know when someone is "hiding" behind anonymity. So, for transparency.
I don't wish to be contacted but I'll post my stuff here anyway because it's where a good part of the community is going. And I'm still interested in sharing and give/get feedback on my and other people creative works. I care less than 0 if they are anonymous or posting through an alt. Same way you can chat with a stranger on the bus without having to know their name or their phone number to call them later.
I hope this clarified a little where I'm coming from.
Veronicca Viper
Bunny Elf
We are gonna have to agree to disagree. :)
I am not sure the reasoning for stating time frame it takes to create an alt, Yes It does not take long. Just not sure what the argument is. Because creepers can create one easily? - So they can find you on SL anonymously? Or that it would be just as easy for you to create an "anonymous alt" account to post things under? Either way the arguments kinda cancel each other out. ~shrugs
IF - "The point of sharing anonymously is to share ideas and get people feedback while not being interested in advertising oneself as a person."
-- then why does it need to be on primfeed? (A site that is dedicated to being integrated with SL).... I mean, there are a plethora of art sharing sites out there (i.e. flickr, deviant art, art untamed,) that have nothing to do with Second life but I am sure would appreciate the art either way. There you could have a name not even remotely connected to your IW avi. You'd never have to worry about anyone connecting who you were IW with your art or contacting you because of it. Problem solved!
"If someone contacted me asking me "Hey I contacted you because I think your hot, sexy, I like your profile." that would actually be not bad. :D
Unfortunately in my experiences creeps are rarely that polite."
--Riiiiight I was trying to keep it PG, but still I think everyone understood the point - semantics. In my previous response, I believe I also said "If someone is contacting you in world with something completely outrageous and inappropriate, that person should be reported to linden labs anyway." - I still stand by that statement.
The only other thing I do not understand is this: You say, - "I care less than 0 if they are anonymous or posting through an alt. " ---- SO if that is true then why does it need to be an 'official' feature? You said "The reason I'm wishing PF enables the feature "officially" is so that at least we would all know when someone is "hiding" behind anonymity. So, for transparency."
If you care less than 0, then what difference does it make? Why does it have to be transparent that someone is hiding? Who cares if they are hiding, whether they hide their name "officially" or by using an alt. This argument seems kind of circular. ~shrugs
Bunny Elf
Veronicca Viper
I'll try yo be shorter this time ^^
-- then why does it need to be on primfeed?"
because a good amount of the community that was on flickr is moving here, and since making an alt takes me almost no effort... problem solved! ^^
If you care less than 0, then what difference does it make? Why does it have to be transparent that someone is hiding? Who cares if they are hiding, whether they hide their name "officially" or by using an alt.
This makes the argument circular for both of us. If you don't care about that transparency why do you care if that becomes an official feature? ^^ Either way you are going to deal with people like me that won't provide a way to be known in-world. ^^
Veronicca Viper
Bunny Elf
Ahhh but here is where you are incorrect. That was one of the first sentences I wrote in my very first response. I do not want anonymity. I do not think creating an alt gives anonymity, just a pseudonym. The only person who -knows- an alt is an alt is the person driving it.
((Unless of course you tell, but then what's the point?))
One of the most requested features we asked for was that PF make us be able to see who liked our posts. How would that work with anonymity? (♥ 56 anonymous users liked your post?) Again I state, if it is implemented, I hope they have a filter to block seeing anonymous posts AND block anonymous comments/ likes . That would totally work for me! You could have your transparent anonymity, and I could block /hide all anonymous users. :)
"Either way you are going to deal with people like me that won't provide a way to be known in-world." ~ Nothing to 'deal' with :) I don't need to know- know you.. just know of the artist I am following in this community. If I like your art and you are posting under an alternate avatar, then I guess I will be following your nom de plume :) and if I see the alt in world, I may say hi and tell them I enjoy the art they post. :)
Bunny Elf
Veronicca Viper
Okay, I suspect we are discussing something with a big misunderstanding in the way ^^
I do NOT wish people to be anonymous on PF. I wish the connected SL account would be.
The current naming format on PF is:
I (and I think everyone who posted here) would NOT like to see it become:
That would totally suck. XD What I (and some other people who posted in thread are asking for) is the possibility to have our name on PF shown as:
Other than that I'm totally in favor of display the PF Name, make it so people can click and go to the person PF profile and even tag the PF profile in posts etc. etc. ^^
Veronicca Viper
Bunny Elf
There is no misunderstanding darlin', I understand what you want, I just do not agree. And that is ok :) we can disagree :)
The current naming format on PF is:
PF_Name ( Anything you want )
@SL_account_name (legacy name)
This is designed like just SL because Primfeed was created to be integrated with SL. It is for the SL community. You can't walk around in SL with your legacy name hidden... not sure why you think it should be allowed here. The only difference is PF doesn't make you wait a week to change your display name
PF_Name (Anything you want so basically anonymous)
(as my momma use to say) It's 6 in one and half a dozen in the other. Same thing sugar.
Sure the PF team would still know who is who, but being @hidden could lead to potential trouble and headaches (for the PF team) that would not otherwise happen with the Users actual account visible to the community.
Just like you cant prevent all creepers from creeping on you, Showing legacy names isn't gonna prevent all acts of ass-hattery, but if anonymous/ hidden (whatever you want to call it) becomes a feature it will be an invitation to some who feel an itch to be jerks.
I think Divinely Enamour had the best suggestions and educational way to prevent being harassed by creepers or anyone you do not want to be contacted by in world .. Instead of debating this further, I really think we should all focus on teaching people, both new to SL and long time residents how to protect your privacy like DE suggested! (Some of those tips, I didn't even know!)
Bunny Elf
Veronicca Viper
I agree we debated enough. However, I'm still very much convinced that not adding such feature won't bring any real benefit to people wishing other people wouldn't be able to hide their IW contact.
To me the only difference is that without this feature we'll just play pretend this social will be filled with people being "real", while with it we could see who is hiding. ^^
Peace ♥
Oliver Skydancer
Veronicca Viper I agree, too. Thank you. 🙏
Sysperia Poppy
I'm not sure private messages are controllable in any format...block them?
doghsop Resident
Sysperia Poppy there's no private messages here, the problem is that using thr legacy name is mandatory and that leads directly back to you IW
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