Suggestion for Improved Followers List Functionality
Sharon Edwyn
Hallo! Currently, when I open the followers list, I can only see if I'm also following someone by hovering the mouse over the follower's name and waiting for the tooltip to appear, which can be annoying. It would be more practical and save us time if a follow/unfollow button was displayed in front of the follower's name, so we can quickly see who we aren't following yet and follow them back
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Luke Rowley
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Make Following Someone Easier
MissChole99 Resident
On Flickr you can see down the list of people and next to their name to shows you if you are folllowing them or not. I feel this would be great and easier when you have a lot of likes etc on our post or when looking at your followers to see who you havent followed back. This would makes its easier to follow new people also.
I have also had a issue a number of times when I go to follow someone new (its is shown that I am not following them already) that I then get a message to say I am already following that people. I feel this is fault as it was showing I wasnt following them which I why i clicked it in the first place
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Easy to follow someone who is following you
Amber69X Resident
When I go to my followers I can't see easily who I am not following yet. I have to hoover over every follower and see if I have not follow them. Would be nice to have the follow button next to their names in my list of followers so I can follow them back easily. Perhaps even a filter so you can sort the followers who I don't follow yet.
Gouged Resident
Yesss 🩶