Social icon to my SL Profile
LadySandrine Resident
I would like to be able to add the link, with icon, to my SL Profile into my Primfeed profile. Adding the field for that into the social links area, with icon, would be nice.
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Luke Rowley
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Automatically add link to SL profile
Rhiannon Tamerlane
Since our in-world profiles are also accessible via web pages (e.g.,, please add these to profiles.
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Clickable link to SL profile
hughtoussaint Resident
As well as looking at a person's Primfeed profile, I like to look at their SL profile. In order to do so, I call up my SL profile
then I replace my SL name in the URL with their SL name. It would be convenient if this was a clickable link in each Primfeed profile.