Giveaway tool and automatic winner picker!
Astralia XOXO
It would be fantastic to have a giveaway feature on Primfeed! Users could join the giveaway and be officially registered. You could set requirements like "follow and share" and participants wouldn't be able to click the "join" button without fulfilling those criteria first. The system could automatically pick a winner once the deadline is over, notifying the winner and the giveaway owner. Please consider this addition, and thank you for creating such an amazing platform!
Ps. I've seen another proposal to create a giveaway only section and I think it would be great!
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Teal Aurelia
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Comprehensive and easy way to create and use Giveaways and choose winners on Primfeed
Mo Elara
As per our discussion, it would be wonderful to see Luke´s idea/plan for giveaways on Primfeed to become reality :-)))
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Store Giveaway Aids
TrashPanda Starling
This could easily be something you pay the premium for or something.
But a function on Primfeed specifically designed to pick through comments/likes of a specific post just built right into the social media specifically for Primfeed so that it it is capable of picking, at complete random, one comment from on that post.
Or, more, the ability to ask it to pick 1, 2, or 3 for giveaways with multiple winners? It would be rather neat if it were capable of filtering out winners who also follow you, so that you didn't have to cross reference it yourself, but really just something ON Primfeed that could CHOOSE winners to eliminate the slow climb through lists?
If any of that makes sense.
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Give Away Selection Features. A feature that auto chooses the winners
Kaydence Genezzia
A feature that automatically chooses the winners that followed (if they haven't already), commented, loved, and shared.
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Include giveaway features or delete post edit limitation
Fenrirl Resident
Since we cannot edit our post as we want after a certain times, is there a way to include a sort of thing, for giveaway? Like something include in primfeed, where people can write their in world names, for participates? This way we just have to open or close it. No need to edit anymore, or just delete the limit for edit post?
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Giveaways as an actual filtered area
Sasy Scarborough
The whole feed is now full of giveaway promotions, while some benefit from that, others may not want to scroll for many rotations of the wheel to get to actual content. But the ability to click the giveaways section of the site and just see those is also very helpful as you wont miss out on opportunities and stores will have a truly captive audience. So when uploading the image 'Is this a Giveaway promotion" can be a button and if it is clicked then they go to that section of Primfeed.
Aitne Atheria
Great ideal!
Alias Spicy
It would save us creators time and customers too, I love it!!!
GaeaLicious Resident
that would be an awesome idea, i think it will make it allot easier for people to do giveaways and would give the idea all happened fair
Bree Coy
That's really great!
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