Developer Access (API, Webhook)
under review
Red2Blaze Resident
I am awake this is most likely a very low priority item, but as a developer I always love the ability to add function to what ever I use
In this case a few use cases I cant think of is options to post an update to Discord/Twitter on a new post here automatically and so on
Also maybe creating extremal add-ons to be used with Primfeed like lets say a giveaway system, tracking who joined and follow all the steps and so on
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martinmoun Resident
I second that. Not a high prio, but highly useful. :)
Swamp Witch
Giving this another poke. I know it's under review. Any updates?
Luke Rowley
Swamp Witch: I'm not yet decided on this I'm afraid!
Aiyumei Resident
I am very concerned about access to which API and what kind of data can be retrieved.
Luke Rowley this is something you have to consider very carefully how it will be approached as the owner of the codebase and the privacy policies put in place for data collection, personal data protection and consent and our rights in regards of data collection and processing.
While we as users have agreed to Primfeed's Prviacy Policy when we made our accounts, we do NOT consent to third parties other than the ones stated in the PP getting access to that data. Requesting developer access to API end point can be just. Keep in mind this is against European GDPR laws - already stated in the Privacy Policy
Luke Rowley
Aiyumei Resident: If you think that Primfeed is not doing enough to protect your data, you can contact the CNIL:
Red2Blaze Resident
Aiyumei Resident hey
I am honestly a little lost about the issue
I am not sure if maybe there is a miss understanding of what is asked here, an API access of this sort should only have access to things already available, like in no way shape or form should it have access to anything you cant already access manually
The main use for this is to help by automating process someone may be doing currently manually, so its easier and convenient to do and allow to grow more options around primfeed but again limited to what you can already access to manually
Like if its a public sort of API, then maybe it can detect the latest posts, but that be more likely the limit
If its a more personal one (that you need to generate from a user that is more what I was aiming at with the idea) it will mostly have access to things of that user (that means the user that generated or approved that access) and much or completely limited to accessing others info
If for example its my API one, I may have access to how many liked, how many commented, and how many shares on my own post, and maybe comments but that be limited to my own posts
Like I just feel like I am missing something about what you think this should get access to, as for the most part I feel it should and will be pretty limited only simple stuff to have some automated, maybe some stats for people that like numbers of your own stuff, and the systems only get access to that if you accept that.. so like I am really having a hard time to see what angel I am missing
Luke Rowley
under review
I won't close it because maybe at some point it will be available, but it's definitely not a priority at all at the moment, thank you for the suggestion though!
Red2Blaze Resident
Luke Rowley Thanks for checking ^^ do see you got a lot on your plate for now
Thanks for the amazing platfrom
primerib1 Resident
A secure API would help people wanting to do some quick posts from in-world (with the help of a bit of script)
Swamp Witch
Upvoted too!
Would love an API feature to webhook from say Wordpress to Primfeed.
I help manage Sugar on Second life and most of our posts are automated. That would be really helpful to save time, and maybe helpful for bloggers that use Wordpress or Blogger to automate their posts.
Fullperm Alpha
Posting from SL via LSL to Primfeed and way around would be nice.