Control who comments
Chrissie Vyper
It would be nice if there was an option to control who comments on your posts. As in, only allowing followers to comment. Right now, anyone can comment, even if they don't follow you and it allows for harassment from people making alts just to remain anonymous.
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Luke Rowley
Merged in a post:
Allow users to disable comments
NipahRika Resident
Allow users to disable comments on a post. We have the option to delete them, right? Why not to disable comments? Sometimes we wanna post something without allowing comments.
Luke Rowley
Brat Waifu
would love to be able to control whose able to comment as well as who can repost!
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
Ability to disable Comments on a Post
Ashe Demonpaws
i think it would be a nice option to Post as an actually message without anyone being able to comment. meaning Comments disabled like they have on you tube.
Teal Aurelia
Merged in a post:
TURN OFF Commenting option on any created post
JoannaVou Resident
Not sure if this has been suggested yet but it is defitintely something we need! When things are getting out of hand and there is DRAMA on your post and you want to DISABLE any furthermore commenting.
Mo Elara
Good idea, Joanna!