Character count in text input fields
Fritigern Gothly
I tend to get a bit... wordy and nearly every time I write a reply or even just a post, I exceed the character limit (2048 for posts, 1024 for replies).
Trouble is that I don't know that I exceed the character limit until I attempt to post my writing.
I have been using to help me rewrite my texts, but I think it would be nicer and more comfortable to have a real-time character counter visible in or near the text input fields. Would such a thing be very difficult to implement?
If it's easy to do, then please add it? It would be so helpful to know what my character count is before I hit the limit :D
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Luke Rowley
Fritigern Gothly
Luke Rowley, when you look at this, please also verify that the character count is correct. I have a feeling that it's off by 10-20 characters.