Luke Rowley
in progress
Lila Boo
Probably the feature I am looking forward to the most! I like to do videos every now and then and would love to be able to share them here.
Ycips Spicy
For me, hosting video on Primfeed is unnecessary. YouTube, TikTok, and Gyazo already do a fine job of this. What is necessary, is to play the video, or at least have a Preview Image of it, in the Primfeed post. At present, a post with a photo looks great, but a post with a video looks like nothing. Thank you!! :)
Teal Aurelia
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short videos upload capability ?
MofoRolo Resident
Ability to upload short vids probably up to 60 seconds ( as to not gain massive server usage ). might be a long shot because of early stages but its worth to ask
Luke Rowley
Hey everyone, I thought it was already the case but, videos uploads are definitely planned for Primfeed. It's just another level of complexity and cost. I've made some research about it, and hopefully I can add videos this year! And it will be likely reserved to Pro members at first.
Keltar Starchild
Luke Rowley Any guesstimates on when it's gonna drop? That's gonna increase my activity here by a lot!
The77sim3 Resident
If PrimFeed's goal is to replace Flickr as the go-to SL platform, then enabling video uploads should definitely be part of the plan. At the very least, posts should be able to embed videos from platforms beyond just YouTube
Svetlana Mosienko
The77sim3 Resident I agree, links to video's on Naughty Machinima and Slushe should be supported.
Lewis Luminos
I feel like this ought to be a Pro feature. Videos are expensive to host.
Teal Aurelia
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no video uploads?
Autumn Yap
i cannot upload video?
Teal Aurelia
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We absolutely NEED to be able to post sl videos in primfeed!!
Myrdin Sommer
Teal Aurelia
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Mili Delicioso
possibility of uploading videos...
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