Hey everyone, today's update features many quality-of-life improvements for everyone, beginning with editing your comments! Yes, finally. 🥰
On top of that:
- The new line issues should be fixed when creating/editing a post.
- You can now right click on the date of a comment to copy the link or open it in a new tab.
- The comments should properly show when viewing an image on mobile.
- When viewing an image, clicking the Back button of your browser will close the image instead of redirecting you somewhere else.
- On mobile, info on the picture in the Public Gallery will always be shown.
- The go back button should now redirect you correctly.
As a last feature, the filters on the Public Gallery now persist on your device and in the URLs, which means you can save multiple Bookmarks depending on your mood. (e.g.: Start using the filters and save a bookmark with commercial filters, from everyone or a bookmark for only the residents you follow, without the commercial content.)
Thank you. As a reminder, Primfeed will host its first Community Meeting on November 3, 2024, at 1:00 PM SLT. The idea is for me to discuss past and future updates and talk with you if you want to discuss any subjects. ❤️
Link to the event: